A Business Built on Honesty, Integrity and Respect

We demand ethical conduct and compliance at every level of our organization. This means acting with honesty, integrity, and respect at all times. We believe in doing the right thing, and don’t tolerate unethical behavior. Our company’s core values and ethics are essential to who we are and what we believe. And we expect every employee to do their part to uphold our reputation and enable our success.


Code of Business Conduct

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Code of business conduct and ethics for Directors and Principal and Executive Officers
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Employee Code of Conduct
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Supplier Code of Conduct

Questions or Concerns?

The Ethics and Compliance Helpline is available 24/7 to answer any questions or listen to your concerns. We encourage employees, shareholders, suppliers and regulators to use it anytime. Every report is investigated and can be made anonymously.

Reporting Concerns:

U.S.: 800-793-7723
Mexico: 001-770-582-5249